This is our teammate, Karen Oppenheimer. Because the YSCX operation has become so large, mentally, many of you may not know her. She is a doctor in Bend, Oregon and her other interests include yoga, ballroom dancing and kids. Here Karen is depicted muscling a corner in which she routinely took her foot out of its safe clipped position to use as a kickstand going around the corner. Her bike is so cheap that it doesn't have a standard kickstand. In the YSCX spirit of giving, and in the coming (holi)days, we should take up a collection to buy Karen
This is Sean "Seamus" Rogers, not related. His focus is so singular that virtually anything outside of his skinsuit is black and white. You may know him for his phoenix rise in popularity from his recent self-disqualifying move in last week's race, in which he stopped to shout, "Is this slow enough for you?" to a nagging observer.
His race was characterized by flourishes of color in an otherwise black and white field. Now that I've broken the code on this blog site, I wish to add you all to it in some lesser way. Email me for instructions between the hours of 10 and 10:05 on Thursdays of months that begin with T.
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